1. A hypertensive patient complains of heartache.
2. The nurse observes the patient's condition.
3. Some patients are nervous when they see doctors.
4. Our ward nurse makes injections very well.
5. The doctor did not examine this patient.
6. Во время лихорадки больному нужно тепло.
7. Он пропишет мне новые таблетки.
8. Я вызвал врача по телефону.
9. Симптомом лихорадки является потеря аппетита.
10. A nurse must carry out the doctor's prescription.
11. Anemia may be a cause of hypotension.
12. A hypertensive patient complains of headaches.
13. Our nurse is never rude to the patients.
15. Моя мама решила вызвать врача.
16. Регулярно принимайте это лекарство.
17. В тяжѐлых случаях может быть бред.
18. Этот пациент хорошо себя чувствует.
Rate читается отлично
Flood читается отлично от других
2) The Sahara desert is a large land in Central Asia
There is a sports ground near our school
People must care about their environment
East or West, home is best
Better late then never
In winter people always put on warm clothes
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelands consist of 4 parts.
London the capital of Great Britain is situated on the both banks of the River Thames
English is the most widespread language in the world
If I learn English better I will get only good marks at school
Yesterday he came to the cinema alone
I would tell him the truth if he call me
She has lived in the town for 20 years
Are you busy now? - yes, I am doing my homework
Does your brother usually have lunch at school?
Can I help you? - Yes, please
Good education is important for our future
3. 21. Some time ago people travelled from Liverpool to America only by water. - True.
22. The Penny Lane is a birthplace of the Beatles. - False
23. The Beatles graduated from College of Art. - False
24. Because Liverpool is a birthplace of Beatles
25. Because people of Liverpool are warm and friendly