1. В ней лепестки разбежались лучами
Правильно не лепестки, а цветки
Замечено, что чечевица, клевер, люпин повышают плодородие почвы. Объясните почему? Так как это Бобовые растения, для которых характерна бактериориза - симбиоз корней растений и азотфиксирующих растений. Эти бактерии улавливать атмосферный азот и переводить его в доступные для растений вещества, почему и проиходит обогащение почвы азотом.
В каком семействе много растений, содержащих ядовитые вещества?
Семейство Пасленовые - Дурман, Белена, Табак, Паслен сладко-горький и т.п.
использовать как лекарственные можно белладонну - (получают атропин, табак - получают никотин)
Почему ромашку, василёк и бодяк относят к одному семейству?
У них цветки и плоды подобного строения
Установите последовательность таксономических единиц:
Д. Отдел Цветковые
В. Класс Двудольные
Б. Семейство Сложноцветные
Г. Род Василёк
А. Вид Василёк синий
Д, В, Б, Г, А
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔