I would like to describe to you my working day. All these days are similar to each other.
On weekdays I usually get up at seven. I do gymnastics. Then I wash my face and hands and brush their teeth. At half past seven I'm ready to Breakfast. I love to have a quick light Breakfast. After Breakfast I go to school.
My school near my house. The road to the school is 10 minutes. My lessons begin at 8:30 and ends at 15:00. Six or seven lessons a day with daily routine. Twice a week I stay at school after classes to play basketball.
When I come home I have dinner. Then I rested a little. Sometimes I read a book or talk with my friends on the phone.
After that I start my homework. Twice a week I attend private lessons in mathematics in order to improve my knowledge.
Usually I finish complete their homework about 11 hours. But one day a week is not as loaded. This Thursday. On Thursday I usually help my mother. Sometimes I make a purchase or take clothes from the dry cleaners.
I usually dine in 8 hours. Then I will continue to work. At 11 o'clock I go to sleep.
Перед но всегда запятая ставится § 105. В названиях высших партийных, правительственных, профсоюзных учреждений и организаций Советского Союза пишутся с прописной буквы все слова, входящие в состав названия, кроме служебных слов и слова партия: Коммунистическая партия Советского Союза. Центральный Комитет Коммунистической партии Советского Союза. Президиум ЦК КПСС. Всесоюзный Ленинский Коммунистический Союз Молодежи. Верховный Совет СССР (РСФСР, УССР и других республик). Совет Союза. Совет Национальностей. Совет Министров СССР (РСФСР, УССР и других республик). Верховный Суд СССР. Всесоюзный Центральный Совет Профессиональных Союзов. Советская Армия и Военно-Морской Флот. Примечание. С прописной буквы пишутся также все слова, кроме служебных, входящие в названия некоторых международных организаций: Всемирный Совет Mира, Opганизация Объединенных Наций, Совет Безопасности, Общество Красного Креста и Красного Полумесяца. Также пишется если в начале предложение и в стихотворной форме.
On weekdays I usually get up at seven. I do gymnastics. Then I wash my face and hands and brush their teeth. At half past seven I'm ready to Breakfast. I love to have a quick light Breakfast. After Breakfast I go to school.
My school near my house. The road to the school is 10 minutes. My lessons begin at 8:30 and ends at 15:00. Six or seven lessons a day with daily routine. Twice a week I stay at school after classes to play basketball.
When I come home I have dinner. Then I rested a little. Sometimes I read a book or talk with my friends on the phone.
After that I start my homework. Twice a week I attend private lessons in mathematics in order to improve my knowledge.
Usually I finish complete their homework about 11 hours. But one day a week is not as loaded. This Thursday. On Thursday I usually help my mother. Sometimes I make a purchase or take clothes from the dry cleaners.
I usually dine in 8 hours. Then I will continue to work. At 11 o'clock I go to sleep.