Пакт Молотова-Риббснтропа способствовал укреплению безопасности СССР, потому что позволил выиграть время для подготовки к войне, отодвинуть границы от собственно территории СССР. Но считать его выгодным для нашей страны неправомерно, так как соглашение с агрессором о переделе территорий Европы, автоматически делало агрессором и СССР, Использовать до войны присоединенные земли СССР не мог в полном объеме, выгода эта была очень отдаленной. И потери войны полностью нивелировали эту выгоду. Всему человечеству выгоду этот договор также не принес, по причине того, что этот пакт послужил одной из причин недоверия стран Европы (Франции, Англии) к СССР, окончательному провалу политики коллективной безопасности, что, в конечном итоге, привело к развязыванию войны.
1 When I saw your brother, I realized that he had just returned from vacation. 2 She showed us a picture of what her husband had ended a few days ago. 3 Woman read the letter that received from her sister in the morning. 4 While his wife watched a movie on TV, he read the newspaper you bought in the morning. 5 Mike called me after I came home. 6 You washed his hands before he sat down to dinner? 7 We drank coffee in a coffee shop when my friend remembered that he had not turned off the computer in the office. 8 Anna started working in the bank after she graduated from university. 9 Wwhere they went after you met? 10 You turned off the light before you leave the house?
1 When I saw your brother, I realized that he had just returned from vacation. 2 She showed us a picture of what her husband had ended a few days ago. 3 Woman read the letter that received from her sister in the morning. 4 While his wife watched a movie on TV, he read the newspaper you bought in the morning. 5 Mike called me after I came home. 6 You washed his hands before he sat down to dinner? 7 We drank coffee in a coffee shop when my friend remembered that he had not turned off the computer in the office. 8 Anna started working in the bank after she graduated from university. 9 Wwhere they went after you met? 10 You turned off the light before you leave the house?