In the 19th century, football in England gained a popularity comparable to cricket [15]. It was played mainly in colleges [16]. In some colleges, the rules allowed dribbling and passing the ball by hand, in others it, on the contrary, was prohibited. [17] The first attempt to create uniform rules was made in 1846, when representatives of several colleges met. They established the first set of rules [18]. The first specialized football club was founded in 1857
Sheffield [19]. In 1863, after lengthy negotiations, a set of rules for the Football Association of England was adopted. The sizes of the field and the goal were also adopted [20]. And in 1871, the FA Cup was founded - the oldest football tournament in the world [21]. In 1891, the penalty rule was adopted. But at first, the penalty was fired not from the point, but from the line, which, like now, was at a distance of 11 meters from the goal [22]. According to the Rules, the mandatory elements of equipment are: a shirt (or T-shirt) with sleeves, shorts, leggings, shin guards and boots
Men bu ta'tilda dam olish maskaniga bordim. Bu bolalar oromgohi edi. Men oromgohga do'stim bilan bordim. Va ta'til kunlarining birida do'stim yo'qolib qoldi. Biz hammamiz uni qidirdik, va u nihoyat topildi. Undan so'ragan edik , u javob berdiki: Men qushlarni tomosha qilgani tog'ning yon bag'riga borgan edim dedi. Shunda menda bir fikr tug'ildi. Ustozimga atydim: keling biz ham hammamiz qushlarni tomosha qilgani boramiz dedim, ustozimiz rozi bo'ldi. Biz qushlarni tomosha qildik va oromgohga qaytdik.Ta'til kunlarimizning hammasi juda zor o'tdi!
1-ая сторона 18 см
2-ая сторона х
3-я сторона y
х-y=4,6 => y=х-4,6
х=17,3 (см) 2-ая сторона
y=17,3-4,6=12,7 (см) 3-я сторона