Греция - страна, находящаяся на самом юге Европы. В году здесь - в среднем 300 солнечных дней. Оставшиеся 65 приходятся на зиму. Здесь редко бывают пасмурные и дождливые хмурые дни. Но не верьте тем, кто говорит, что в Греции купальный сезон длится круглый год или что купаться можно, начиная с апреля.
Климат Греции можно поделить на три типа, каждый из которых властвует на своей территории: средиземноморский с мягкой влажной зимой и жарким сухим летом, альпийский (характерный для горных районов) и умеренный. Афины расположены в зоне перехода со средиземноморского к умеренному.
Побережье летом - Природа ГрецииКак правило, хотя погода в Греции в мае уже позволяет ходить в летней одежде, но вода еще очень прохладная. Но есть и приятный плюс - прогревшееся летом море сохраняет свое тепло до конца октября, а если год выдастся очень жарким - до середины ноября. Зимой в Греции в подавляющем большинстве случаев держится положительная температура. Если начинает идти снег, снежинки тают еще в воздухе, не достигнув земли. Но если, раз в год, в Греции выпадает полноценный снег - для страны это шок и ужас если сойдет то буду рада)
TALL MAN Once lived two sisters, twins named Stella and Sorin. They were brave and girls were not afraid nor darkness , nor of spiders or other creepy creatures. While other little girls and boys when something frightened , hid in fear , Stela and Sorina were not afraid of anything and always walked with her head held high . They were obedient girls always helped his father and mother. It was the best children what only could ask God , but their courage was the cause of their death. Once, Stela and Sorina went with his mother to the woods to pick berries . The day was clear and serene , and even when they went deep into the forest , only a little light became dimmer . Their mother told them that they would not leave her , and they listened to her because they were obedient children . It was almost noon when they are faced with a tall man . He stood in a clearing , dressed all in black , as a nobleman . He was surrounded by a large shadow, he had a lot of hands, they were long, as serpents and as sharp as swords. They writhed like worms , impaled on the hook. He did not say anything , but somehow made it clear that he wants. Girls' mother tried not to listen, but could no longer resist the tall man , she could not disobey him because almost stopped breathing . She went into the clearing , her daughter followed her . " Stela " , - said the mother . "Take my knife , and drew a circle on the ground , large enough so that it could go ." Stele , which is not afraid of a tall man was confused trembling voice of the mother , and she has performed implicitly , that she was told . " Sorina ," - said the mother . "Take the berries and their eruption in a circle. Crush them underfoot , until juices cover the earth . " Though Sorina wondered why her mother asks her about it, she obeyed , because she was a good girl . " Stela " , - said the mother . " Lie down in a circle ." Although Stella was afraid that blurs the dress, she still did as asked his mother . " Sorina ," - said the mother . "Take a knife and let the blood sister ." Sorin said that can not and will not do it . "Please," - said the mother . " If you do not , it will be even worse ... much worse ... " But Sorin could not comply with the request of the mother. Instead, she threw the knife and ran home crying . She hid under the bed, and for the first time in my life scared. She waited until haying returned with her father , and told him about what happened to them in the woods. Father comforted the frightened girl and assured her that she was safe . Then he went into the woods , taking with him a sharp ax . Stela stayed home waiting for him , sitting by the fireplace . After a while , she got tired and fell asleep. She was awakened by a knock at the door. Was late at night. " Who's there? " - She asked. " This is your father ," - said the voice. "I do not believe you ! " - Reply Sorin. "It's your sister ," - said the voice. " That can not be ! " - Screamed Sorin. " It's your mother ," - said the voice , - " and I told you that it is much worse ... "
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