Many talk about the dangers of video games, but is it really? On this account the world community there are numerous discussions with a large number of facts. Now video games are an integral part of the life of every teenager and not only teenagers, many adults and wealthy people who do not mind to spend a couple of hours about monitor fighting in the virtual world. Video games became very popular in Russia with relatively not a long time and has already turned into a kind of culture of the 21st century. In many countries the government prohibits such activities where you need to shoot and kill, in General where there is violence. But true in fact their actions, because for teen video game - is it the same for us at their age reading a fascinating book. Many believe that the government's actions are correct , but we believe otherwise.
Video games can bring even a very big favor. For example, there are fun telling about the events of the war, unless the war was not killed? Many people such type of fun tell us in detail about the events of war, they can survive these events as a main character, is this bad? Also there are some games where you need a lot of thinking on solving different puzzles, which in turn develops the ability of thinking in adolescents. Now there are many examples when the game carries a lot of useful and educational information. For example in the wonderful world of the deep sea can dive, sitting at a slot machine Dolphin.
There is a myth that playing video games is deteriorating eyesight. On this account, American scientists have conducted many studies and can confidently say that people playing in a month for several hours a day began to say that they have improved vision, that is, those who have eyesight problems began to notice improvement, and those who was confident in his vision, the doctors were not observed deterioration. They explain this by the fact that on the monitor when playing a lot of events happening, and the human eye reacts to these events with great speed, thus training the vision.
Forget about such a phenomenon as "cruel intentions" is also not possible, but to protect the juvenile from such games is not so hard, in addition to such entertainment age restriction applies.
Video games burst into our lives rapidly, and can bring many benefits, if not to stay for too many hours.
Идейно-художественный анализ произведения План: 1. Время написания произведения (дать характеристику этого времени: какие события происходили в стране / мире, взгляд на них общественных деятелей, писателей, других людей искусства). История создания данного произведения (если известна). 2. Жанр произведения. 3. Сюжетно-композиционные особенности (про что это произведение, кратко изложить основные события в нем, отметить завязку, кульминацию, развязку. Проанализировать эпилог и эпиграф, если есть). 4. Тема / темы произведения (какие темы затрагивает автор в данном произведении, найти подтверждение в тексте). 5. Проблемы, поднятые в данном произведении (какие проблемы затрагивает автор? почему они волнуют его? почему важно разрешение этих проблем? как эти проблемы решаются в данном произведении? ). 6. Характеристика героев произведения (их имена, профессия, работа, взгляды на жизнь, взаимоотношения с другими людьми, мир их чувств и переживаний. Как герои решать проблемы, поставленные в произведении? ) 7. Идея и пафос произведения (что автор хотел сказать читателю в данном произведении? с какими чувствами, с каким настроем он это делает?). 8. Язык произведения, его стиль и поэтика (отметить особенности языка данного произведения: устарешие/заимствованные/жаргонные слова, для чего их употребляет автор ли речь героев раскрыть их характер, передать их особенности; используются ли в авторской речи средства художественной выразительности (эпитеты, метафоры, сравнения и т.д.), для чего это делается и др.).
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