Our school has a gym. I remember when we were little kids coming to physical education classes in elementary school. We were all standing in white t-shirts and sweatpants, and our PE teacher was working with us. We performed simple warm-up movements, ran a race. Then we got older, and now we change first in the locker room in front of the gym. And then begins our transformation from clumsy schoolboys to good and agile athletes. We run, warm up in the gym. Then, divided into pairs, we play volleyball, work out the correct movements. Sometimes they put a net on us and we play volleyball. It turns out very exciting. Other times we play basketball. On both sides of the hall hang two basketball baskets. We are divided into two teams. Our gym teacher is judging us. A confident pass forward, the ball is back in the basket. Everyone likes this game. When we are engaged in General physical training, we use horizontal bars and ladders, do horse jumps, do muscle strengthening exercises and push-UPS on benches. Usually there are also competitions between classes, relays. The guys are trying their best to win and come first. The winners receive prizes and certificates. We also climb ropes and roll on mats. A special Cabinet stores equipment for skiing: skis, poles, boots. Our gym is connected to a small gym, where sometimes physical education classes or dance classes are also held. In our gym, we always have fun and exciting time. There we become stronger and stronger.
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