Двойной стеклопакет ( в окнах обычно) из за свойства воздуха плохо пропускать тепло и/или холод. надувной матрац использует свойство воздуха ( как и любого другого газа) заполнять все данное ему пространство . костер использует воздух как топливо для горения ( ракета то же самое что и костер только в несколько другом смысле ) а вертолет... ну при вращении винта создается воздушный поток ( как в обычном вентиляторе только направленному в землю ) который и поднимает винтокрылую машину в небо )))
London is very beautiful city. You can find lot's of interesting places here. London has lot's of museums. One of the most famous museum is of course the museum of Madame Tussaud. It displays a great collection of replicas of famous people. You could find different old castles, temples And monuments here. London is the financial And business center of Great Britan. London's West End is famous for it's great range of theatres, tourists attractions, shopping And entertainment centers. Londoners are quit, reserved And unfriendly. They don't say hello to their babies, And some of them would not even recognise their naibours in the street. It is difficult to find friends here. Most Londoners are focused, And aren't afraid of work-they know What they want And how to get it.
London is very beautiful city. You can find lot's of interesting places here. London has lot's of museums. One of the most famous museum is of course the museum of Madame Tussaud. It displays a great collection of replicas of famous people. You could find different old castles, temples And monuments here. London is the financial And business center of Great Britan. London's West End is famous for it's great range of theatres, tourists attractions, shopping And entertainment centers. Londoners are quit, reserved And unfriendly. They don't say hello to their babies, And some of them would not even recognise their naibours in the street. It is difficult to find friends here. Most Londoners are focused, And aren't afraid of work-they know What they want And how to get it.