1. new projects are begun by many people in January 2. that shirt must be washed for tonight's party. 3. the food is going to be prepared by mum. 4. shoes are made in that factory. 5. You will have to be examined again. 6. preparations had been finished by the time the guests arrived. 7. the visitors will be met by the delegation at the airport. 8. skis have been produced here since 1964. 9. the memo will be read by all workers. 10. Tiger Woods can't be beaten at golf. 11. German is also spoken at EU meetings. 12. the question must be looked into. 13. He is read the newspaper every day. The newspaper is read to him every day. 14. acupuncture was discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago. 15. Have you been given back the book yet? Has the book been given to you back yet? 16. The criminals were locked up by the police. 17. the keys must have been left behind. 18. The story was made up by the robbers. 19. The cake is being eaten by the boy. 20. A box of chocolates was promised by Dad. 21. She was scared by the spider. 22. the Natural History Museum will be shown to us by the guide in the afternoon. We shall be shown the Natural History Museum in the afternoon. 23. the woman's teeth are being cleaned by the dentist. 24. The new house was shown to her relatives (by her). Her relatives were shown the new house by her.
«Я предпочту совсем не иметь подданных, чем иметь таковыми еретиков».
Филипп II Испанский. Религиозный фанатизм.
«Париж стоит мессы».
Генрих Наваррский. Использование религии в политических целях.
«И гугеноты, и католики были в моих глазах одинаково французами».
Кардинал Ришелье. Религиозная терпимость.
«На Бога надейся, но порох всегда держи сухим».
Оливер Кромвель. Искренняя вера, предполагающая в то же время активную деятельность человека.
«Как богатым удержать имущество в своих руках, если чернь потеряет веру в Бога? Если бы Бога не было, его следовало бы выдумать».
Вольтер. Использование религии в политических целях.
«Необходимо, чтобы вера в Бога была настолько велика, чтобы человек, не колеблясь, пустился в море на доске, если у него нет корабля».
Игнатий Лойола. Религиозный фанатизм.
2. Собор Святого Трофима, Арль, Франция. 15 век
3. Сан-Либераторе на Майелле, Абруццо, Италия. 11 век