Ona tabiat
Dunyoda insonlar uchun zarur bo'lgan narsalardan biri - "Ona-tabiat". Ona tabia - insonlar orasida muhim ahamiyatga ega. Tabiat zararlansa - insonlar zarar ko'radi, tabiat yaxshi bo'lsa - insonlarga foyda bo'ladi. Ona tabiat insonlarga foydasi juda ko'p. Misol uchun inson toza havodan nafas olishi, ekinlarni mo'l bo'lishi, tinchlik, ozodalik, ona tabiatga bog'liqdir. Chunki Ona tabiatda eng sof , toza havo bo'ladi, tabiat yaxshi bo'lsa ekinlar mo'l bo'ladi. Har-bir inson ona tabiatga e'tibor berishligi lozim. Uni toza saqlashi, chiqindilarni ko'chalarga, odamlar bo'ladigan joyga tashlamasligi kerak. Lekin afsuski aksari insonlar bunga amal qilmaydilar. Biz bunga amal qilib , hayotimizni o'zimiz asrab qolishimiz kerak.
She couldn't speak English when 10 was her.Mollie has watched this movie yesterday.When your friends have come?Sallie didn't see Greg yesterday.Last year Alice executed 15.Future Simple/be going to
What are you going to do in the summer?We will go to the cinema on Friday.We will meet tomorrow?When you arrive to me?Oleg will return to the city at the end of summer.Present Perfect.
I was never late for the first lesson.My friend hasn't made homework.Richard didn't see the friends the whole eternity.I have just sent the letter.You saw Victor? — Yes, he has just left.Present Perfect Continuous.
I do homework two hours.He lives in Minsk since 2000.I learn 3 years Spanish.The writer writes the novel 4 months.I try to solve 15 minutes this problem.Conditional I.
You will be late if you go so slowly.When I arrive home, I will have a rest.He will make the translation if we help him.If you learn the rule, then write the test well.When he graduates from school, he will study in college.Passive Voice.
The book has been bought yesterday.Why you don't want to go to cinema?This writer is known by the whole world.The house was built by builders.The picture has been painted last year.