3. Деякі з найдавніших збережених ікон дійшли до нашого часу. Укажіть ім'я князя, до періоду князювання якого вони відносяться. 1) Владимир Великий 2) Ярослав Мудрий 3) Владимир Мономах 4) Андрій Боголюбський 5) Данило Галицький
Once in a cloudy day, I started to walk alone in the road near forest. It was becoming dark and I still had to go far to reach my friend's house. I saw the sky was covered with dark, evilish clouds and I started to walk faster. When I looked at my right side, I saw trees were moving side to side and making strange noises. My heart started to beat repeatedly, I didn't knew what to do. No cars, no people, only me . That time I exactly knew what's gonna happen and it was the terrible storm. When the lighting groaned, I started to run. The noises was really frightening like it would hit me in any single seconds. After some minutes while running, I heard the strongest lightning ever which hit one of the tree. It fell infront of my legs and I shrinked. I was shaking to death when I saw the tree burning. Somehow I got into my friend's house and told them how weather can be so terrible.
Once in a cloudy day, I started to walk alone in the road near forest. It was becoming dark and I still had to go far to reach my friend's house. I saw the sky was covered with dark, evilish clouds and I started to walk faster. When I looked at my right side, I saw trees were moving side to side and making strange noises. My heart started to beat repeatedly, I didn't knew what to do. No cars, no people, only me . That time I exactly knew what's gonna happen and it was the terrible storm. When the lighting groaned, I started to run. The noises was really frightening like it would hit me in any single seconds. After some minutes while running, I heard the strongest lightning ever which hit one of the tree. It fell infront of my legs and I shrinked. I was shaking to death when I saw the tree burning. Somehow I got into my friend's house and told them how weather can be so terrible.