1. Why shouldn't we play with fire? Fire may cause serious consequences. If you play with matches, you may burn the house or flat. If you play with a lighter, you may leave it, even accidentally, in the sun and it will explode, and the fragments may hurt somebody. Fire is a very dangerous thing, because it can cause burns. Do not play with fire. 2. Why shouldn't we play with food? You shouldn't play with food because you may choke. Eating should be treated with respect, because it is the result of the work of many people - those who have grown or produced goods, as well as of your mother, who has prepared lunch or dinner. The rule is simple: Those who do not properly behavve at the table - that immediately leaves the table and goes to their room to mind their own business.
Ответ. Мы и сегодня пользуемся созданной арабами алгеброй, а также цифрами, которые арабы не изобрели (а взяли у индийцев), но распространили по миру.
1) аль-Бируни высказал предположение, что центром вселенной является не Земля, а Солнце (хотя именно это писал ещё в III веке до н.э. Аристарх Самосский);
2) Ибн Сина (в Европе известный как Авиценна) описал признаки многих болезней и их лечение;
3) Фирдоуси создал великую поэму «Шахнаме» («Книгу царей»);
4) Омар Хайям создал самый точный из реально используемых календарей, также широко известен как поэт.
Fire may cause serious consequences. If you play with matches, you may burn the house or flat. If you play with a lighter, you may leave it, even accidentally, in the sun and it will explode, and the fragments may hurt somebody. Fire is a very dangerous thing, because it can cause burns. Do not play with fire.
2. Why shouldn't we play with food?
You shouldn't play with food because you may choke. Eating should be treated with respect, because it is the result of the work of many people - those who have grown or produced goods, as well as of your mother, who has prepared lunch or dinner.
The rule is simple: Those who do not properly behavve at the table - that immediately leaves the table and goes to their room to mind their own business.