Look at the sentences and answer the S
the di
a You can go to the swimming pool
b I can play the piano Listen!
c Arrgh! Tom can't sing!
d We can't go into town.
e Can they speak Spanish?
1 Which two sentences are about
2 which three sentences are about ability?
3 What is the negative form of can?
4 Do we use do and does to make questions
with can?
LANGUAGE FOCUS can for ability and permission
I can talk about things we can and can't do.
Вводное слово- видимо. Однородные члены- страх и почтительность; Карты, карандаши, бумаги;Денисов, и Петя, и сам Тихон. Запятые при перечислении. Если однородные члены имеют при себе разные сказуемые (денисов, и Петя...), то запятая будет ставиться перед И.