Полис-особая форма социально-экономической и политической организации общества Колония- это зависимая территория, находящаяся под властью иностранного государства (метрополии), без самостоятельной политической и экономической власти, управляемая на основе особого режима Демократия-политический режим, в основе которого лежит метод коллективного принятия решения с равным воздействием участников на исход процесса или на его существенные стадии Аристократия -форма государственного правления, при которой власть принадлежит знати
2. 1. She feels not so well as he does. 2. The weather todayis not as bad as it was yesterday. 3. This computer is not as modern as that one. 4. The Chinese market is as attractive as the Ukrainian one. 5. My mobile phone is not as expensive as his. 2. 1. They always discuss the problem of payment in detail. They will discuss the problem of payment in detail tomorrow. They have already discussed the problem of payment in detail. They are going to discuss the problem of payment in detail today. They are discussing the problem of payment in detail now. They were discussing the problem of payment in detail yesterday morning. 2. The manager is in Brazil now. The manager was in Brazil last month. The manager is in Brazil this year. The manager will be in Brazil soon. 3. Our company is going to build a new plant next year. Our company has already built a new plant. Our company built a new plant last year. Our company will build a new plant this month. Our company is building a new plant now.
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