Индивидуальность - это личность человека, который отличается от других какими либо свойствами в характере, поведении Неповторимость с другими людьми, уникальность.
В целом каждый человек индивидуальный, просто это выражается у каждого в большей или меньшей степени и в определенных вещах, например либо в какой либо деятельности или в поведении человека, общения.
Индивидуальность - это отличительная черта человека от других людей.
Далее не знаю как пояснить и чем дополнить, постаралась написать свою мысль как смогла.
-- I think is it impotant to go to a school suitable for you.
If you are a fantastic athlete and love PE, you should go to school with
a big stadium and good sports facilities. And if like me, you love to write
you should be at school with a big library and . good English department.
It is important to be in the right school so you can succeed.
-- Last year I didn't get into church school I wanted to go to and my mum started
teaching me at home. My mum didn't like any of the local schools. I know other
children who could not get into school they wanted.
-- When I was in Year 8, I was upset because I didn't get to the same school as my best
friend. But now I'm in Year 9 and I have made a lot of friends, so sometimes it can be
good going to school you didn't really want to go to.
-- I really care what school I go to. After all, the kind of education you get influences
your life. I want to be a . biologist and I want to go to university