1 Bizlar dam olish kunlari buvimiznikiga borganimizda , buvim Bizlarga hikoya va rivoyatlar suzlab beradilar. 2 DONIYOR borib otin va kesaklarni terib keldi 3 Nodiraning bu ishi meni qattiq ranjitdi. 4 Agar namoz o'qisak gunohlarimiz kamayib ,ishimizga rivoj beradi.5 Buvim menga kattalarni hurmat -kichiklarni izzat qil deb nasihat qiladilar. 6 Nodira dustiga nisbatan yomon munosabatda buldi. 7 Har joyga tupurmoq odobdan emas. 8 Buzoqchamiz xas-xashaklarni yeb tuydi shekilli . 9 Yaxshidan ibrat ol. 10.Toglar bag'rid and shar-shara oqib China did. 11. Bizning mintaqamiz issiq sevar mintaqa hisoblanadi.☺
1. I am resting now. I rest every day.
2. They are talking now.. They talk every day.
3. He is drinking coffee... He drinks...
4. She is going to... She goes to...
5. My baby is sleeping... . My baby sleeps...
6. Her son is making... Her son makes...
7. Jane is not cooking... Jane does not cook...
8. We are not eating... We do not eat...
9. Nick is not skating... Nick does not skate...
10. You are not working... You do not work..
11. Is she playing now? Does she play...?
12. Are they having dinner...? Do they always have dinner...?
13. Is Bill laughing ...? Does Bill often laugh...?
14.What is she writing now? What does she write...?
15. What is he doing...? What does he do...?
16. Whom is she waiting now? Whom does she wait...?
17. What is John doing...? What does John do...?
18. What are they eating now? What do they eat...?
19. Why is he still watching TV? Why does he often watch TV?