My favorite book is a work of Gabriel Topolsky "White Bim Black Ear". Big city. Single man and a devoted dog lived in the same apartment. They were very attached to each other. But once the owner was taken to the hospital. He managed to say to Bim only one word "Wait!" And the dog understood him, and he was waiting. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of evil and unpleasant people, they were on Bim's way in the image one of the angry old woman who hated dogs, a bad man who collected dog's collars and a hunter from a small village ... But fortunately, there are kind and responsive people in this world too, and they tried to help the poor dog. The story of Gabriel Topolsky "White Bim Black Ear" teaches us to be kind and tolerant, faithful and loyal. Good people took the most active part in Bim's fate. The story shows us that hatred and betrayal are the lowest traits of human. A small boy faced with cruelty adults, he said the most important words and he called us to goodness and mercy, compassion and empathy. It's my favorite book. I like it very much.
Феодальная раздробленность - время распада крупные владений на множество мелких, где главную роль играли крупные феодалы.
Междоусобные войны - войны между крупными феодалами в государстве.
Сеньор - крупный земельный собственник, имевший в подчинении зависимых крестьян: в системе феодальной лестницы - покровитель вассала.
Вассал - феодал, получивший от более крупного феодала (сеньора) земельное владение (феод) за несение службы и давший вассальную клятву.
Рыцарь - тяжеловооруженный воин в средневековом войске, сражавшийся верхом на коне, относился ко второму сословию.
По горизонтали:
1. «Царица наук» в раннем Средневековье.
2. Наука, изучающая небесные святила.
3. Искусство рассуждать.
4. Одно из «семи свободных искусств», входящее в квадривиум.
5. Раздел математики, изучающий пространственные структуры и отношения, а также их обобщения.
6. Наказание в средневековой школе.
7. Наука считать.
8. Наука красноречия.
9. Название системы наук второй ступени образования.
10. Международный язык образованных людей.
По вертикали:
1. Умение читать и писать на латыни.
Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of evil and unpleasant people, they were on Bim's way in the image one of the angry old woman who hated dogs, a bad man who collected dog's collars and a hunter from a small village ...
But fortunately, there are kind and responsive people in this world too, and they tried to help the poor dog.
The story of Gabriel Topolsky "White Bim Black Ear" teaches us to be kind and tolerant, faithful and loyal. Good people took the most active part in Bim's fate.
The story shows us that hatred and betrayal are the lowest traits of human.
A small boy faced with cruelty adults, he said the most important words and he called us to goodness and mercy, compassion and empathy.
It's my favorite book. I like it very much.