I am going to tell you about my school. My school is new and modern and I like it very much. It has three floors. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are classrooms for different subjects, such as English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology Literature etc. There is a computer class in our school. We study computer science here. The computer class has the most modern equipment and the Internet access. We’ve also an assembly hall, which is situated on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place here. We prepare different performances for all holidays. We sing songs, recite poetry, dance, and participate in theatre performances. There are many opportunities to go in for sports in our school. Our school has a gym, a sports ground, a football field, a swimming pool, and other sports facilities. There are many different sports groups: table tennis, swimming, athletics, football, volleyball, wrestling, and rhythmic gymnastics. Many pupils of our school attend these sports groups. In our school we have also painting group, dance group, theatre group and rock group. All these groups are very popular and many pupils attend them. The teachers in our school are very skilled. They try to give us all their knowledge and awake our interest to their subjects and to self study. Besides the school subjects, our teachers tell us about everything, about different problems of our world, such as ecology, nature protection, climat changes etc. There is a good tradition in our school. Every year people who graduated our school come here to meet their teachers and classmates. These meetings take place every first Saturday of February. I think that school years are very important for every person. It’s a period of becoming adult, achieving knowledges, and choosing your way in life. Often school friends remain your friends for all your life. So I’ll never forget my school, my teachers, and my classmates.
Historian NI Kostomarov described Russian cuisine in the " Outline of domestic life and manners of the Russian people in the XVI and XVII centuries ." He noted that Russian cuisine in the XVI and XVII centuries was based on custom rather than art , and her dishes were simple and unvaried . From the custom to observe fasting on the table shared skoromny and lean . Dishes were made from flour , milk, meat and vegetable supplies. Bread was used preimuschestvennorzhanoy (the word "bread" meant rye ) . By rye flour , barley could be blended . From wheat flour prepares delicacy - rolls . Salt in the pastry is not added . Ordinary food of ordinary people was oatmeal , prepared from oat by partial digestion followed by grinding. Dough on rye or wheat flour prepared cakes ( voltage or hearth ) . Pie filling was meat, fish , cottage cheese , berry . In stuffing added porridge , noodles, eggs, mushrooms . Baked as Cakebread - loaf . Other furnace products : kurnik , browns, kotloma , pancakes , brush , dough cones levashniki , Perepich , nuts .Staple food of the majority of the population ( farmers ) were grains and vegetables , of which preparing pickles, soups, cereals and bakery products . Rye , pea , and oat flour prepared jelly , and sweet ( modern) jelly appeared only later with the arrival of Russian cuisine potato starch.Traditionally a variety of soups , among which the most famous are the soup, soup, pickle , thistle , hookah, ear botvinya and hash .Before the widespread dissemination of potatoes ( from the second half of the XIX century ) served as the main vegetable turnip .Russian traditional seasoning and sour cream is a dairy product , which is charged with soups and salads . Another Russian dairy product is cheese, which are prepared from cheesecakes .As in other Christian countries , a great influence on the kitchen had a church , since more than half of days in the year were meatless when certain categories of products were banned. That is why the Russian national cuisine is dominated by mushroom and fish dishes, dishes of grain, vegetables, wild berries and herbs.
В «Весне» нашли отражение три неразрывных направления, в которых развивались искусство и философия флорентийских гуманистов: античный, христианский и куртуазный. Из античности здесь - персонажи и мотивы мифов. Справа Зефир, теплый западный ветер, похищает Хлориду, греческую нимфу полей и цветов, которая превращается, в изображенную тут же Флору - уже римскую богиню, осыпающую землю цветами. В левой части - три грации, олицетворяющие целомудрие, любовь и наслаждение. Меркурий, разгоняющий облака, стоя под сенью апельсиновых деревьев, отсылает воображение зрителя к мифу о Парисе и его выборе прекраснейшей из богинь, которой он как победительнице отдал яблоко. Эта богиня, Афродита, или, как ее называли древние римляне, Венера, мягко ступает по ковру из трав и цветов в центре картины. Над ее головой - Амур с луком, целящийся в одну из граций.