2.Лобзик маленький инстрвмент с напильником, служит он для криволинейного распиливания материалов
3.электрический лобзик и ручной лобзик,
фанера или специальная обработанная доска,
шило, дрель со сверлом, для того чтобы делать отверстие, в которое потом опустят лезвие,
несколько разных напильников и наждачная бумага, для того чтобы сгладить края,
рисунки, лекала, трафареты для нанесения на дерево,
киянка, молоток, пассатижи,
рабочий стол – поверхность 20 на 30 см с отверстием, сходящимся до выреза 3-5 см диаметром под острым углом,
тонкое шило и карандаш для перенесения изображения на доску,
запасные пилки для электролобзика для различного вида реза,
запасные пилки для ручного инструмента
In modern society, there are many jobs but my favorite job is a teacher. I want to be a teacher when I was a child. My family and friends ask me that “Why do you choose to teach”. I choose this job that I love because of many reasons.
First, my ability is very approriate to do this work. I love children so much and I like to communicate in front of the crowd as soon as I was young.
Second, I think that education is a good environment where we can maintain and strengthen the good qualities of people.
Finally, one of the important reasons that makes me choose this job is my parents. I hope that I will inherit my family’s tradition so that I can complete my parents’ dream. It is usually said that teaching is a difficult profession, but with my passion I will try to do it. Nowadays, the salary of a teacher is very low, but I still want to become a teacher.
In my opinion, a good teacher not only teaches knowledge but also teaches people how to be a good human. Therefore, I have to equip myself with a lot of knowledge and skills as soon as I am a student. I hope that I will become a good teacher in order that I can bring my knowledge to the development of education in my country.
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