Получается 16 возможных генотипов с которыми бы родились дети. Генотип родившегося ребенка – тот, что указан в задаче будет 1/16 или 6,25%, его генотип (аавв), а остальные 9/16 или 56,25% - свободная мочка и треугольная ямка, 3/16 или 18,75% - свободная мочка и гладкий подбородок, 3/16 или 18,75% - сросшаяся мочка и треугольный подбородок.
P – AaBb, AaBb; aabb; F1 – дети: со свободно мочкой и треугольной ямкой, свободной мочкой и гладким подбородком, сросшейся мочкой и треугольной ямкой; AABB, AaBB, AABb, AaBb, AAbb, Aabb, aaBB, aaBb.
Имя правителя: Филипп Четвертый Красивый
Время правления: 1285-1314
Действия, что сделал для объединения: присоединил Лион. Централизовал власть, наполнил королевскую казну. Заметно ограничил права феодалов, чтобы они не соперничали с королем. Разгромил орден тамплиеров, уничтожив власть Папы Римского во Франции
Имя правителя: Иоанн Добрый
Время правления: 1359-1364
Действия, что сделал для объединения: присоединил Шампань. Укрепил королевскую власть от притязаний других феодалов
Имя правителя: Карл Седьмой Победитель (династия Валуа)
Время правления: 1422-1461
Действия, что сделал для объединения: с помощью Жанны Д’Арк освободил Францию от нашествия англичан, окончил Столетнюю войну
Имя правителя: Людовик Одиннадцатый (династия Валуа)
Время правления: 1461-1483
Действия, что сделал для объединения: присоединил герцогство Бургундию, Прованс, Пикардию и Булонь. Закончил объединение Франции
All my life, since I can remember, I wanted to become a journalist. Since childhood, my favorite shows, along with cartoons and fairy tales were newscasts, analytical and information transmission. Do not think that I was some prodigy. However, I always was a good student, I loved to write essays, something to analyze, and then express their thoughts on paper or orally. Over time, he grew up a little, I began to pay more attention to what is happening in our country, none of my day passed without news programs or read newspapers. I liked not only learn how the world works, what and who administers fate and affects the lives of millions of people than live our country and the entire globe. Besides, I've always been very interested in it "kitchen" news, the way it is done and served on different channels. I am pleased to comparing the information itself, the manner of its filing, the leading style - in short, everything that is related to the information policy of the channel. While still in kindergarten, I was "tortured" his family and friends, taking their "interview". Topics of my stories were very diverse, I thought out questions on the go, one interview could flow smoothly into another ... By the end, became a grandmother to scold me, Mom - run away, and my dad closed the newspaper ... but it has not cooled my enthusiasm, and I switched their friends. Of course, at that time I did not realize that I wanted to be a journalist. And that journalist "newsman." But gradually matured this decision as if by itself, or maybe I lived with him all his life without realizing it. So when I learned about the school of the young journalist, then, without hesitation, went there and chose to engage in the news. And at this time in front of me is there was no question where I would do after school. I want to become a journalist and make the news, because it means always feel the pulse of time, walk with him in the leg. Make the news - it means to inform people about what is happening in the world that affects their lives every second. So, to be involved in the fate of millions, to the fate of their country and around the globe. I understand the responsibility that lies on a journalist from his words are often dependent lives. Therefore, it is important to be professional in his field, constantly learn, improve in the profession. I want to become a journalist, because I think it's my calling. And his vocation to follow. Only then can we get maximum pleasure because you are doing and benefit people of his country.
Получается 16 возможных генотипов с которыми бы родились дети. Генотип родившегося ребенка – тот, что указан в задаче будет 1/16 или 6,25%, его генотип (аавв), а остальные 9/16 или 56,25% - свободная мочка и треугольная ямка, 3/16 или 18,75% - свободная мочка и гладкий подбородок, 3/16 или 18,75% - сросшаяся мочка и треугольный подбородок.