She plays with friends in the street,doesn’t she
Who plays in the street
Where does she play
Whom does she play
She likes ice cream,doesn’t she
Who likes ice cream
What does she like
They swim in the lake in summer,don’t they
Who swims in the lake
When do they swim in the lake
Where do they swim
Hary goes to school every day,doesn’t he
Who goes to school every day
Where does hery go every day
When does hery go to school
He wants to be a pilot,doesn’t he
Who wants to be a pilot
What does he want
Whom does he want to be
He reads intereSting books in English,doesn’t he.
Who reads interesting books
What does he do
What books does he read
She plays with her toys,doesn’t she
Who plays with toys
What does she do
What does she play with
She wants to eat ice cream again,doesn’t she
What does she want
Who wants to eat ice cream
What does she want to eat again
Герой книги - трудовой народ, крестьянство и беднота Полесья, которые поднялись с оружием в руках против местных богатеев и иностранных интервентов, которые их угнетали. Бесстрашно боролся революционер - большевика Невидный, вдохновлял бедноту на перемены, на борьбу. Жизненны и правдивы образы партизанских вожаков: Мартына Рыля, Марки Балука.