Rewrite sentences 1-6 in the passive. In which sentences can we omit the agent? Why? 1 A newspaper journalist interviewed the cast after the opening night of the play.
1. The cast was interviewed after the opening night of the play by a newspaper journalist.
2. The book was written by a famous author.
3. The car was repaired by a mechanic.
4. The cake was baked by my mom.
5. The house was built by a construction company.
6. The picture was painted by a talented artist.
In the first sentence, "A newspaper journalist interviewed the cast after the opening night of the play," we can transform it into the passive voice by making the cast the subject of the sentence and using the past participle form of the verb "interviewed." The agent (newspaper journalist) can be omitted because the focus is on the action being done to the subject (the cast) rather than who is performing the action.
For the other sentences, we can also make them passive by following a similar structure. The subject becomes the recipient of the action, and the agent, if mentioned, can be omitted if it is not necessary to specify who performed the action. However, in some cases, it may be important or relevant to include the agent.
In sentence 2, "A famous author wrote the book," we can change it to "The book was written by a famous author." Here, the agent (famous author) can be omitted as it is not crucial to understanding the sentence.
In sentence 3, "A mechanic repaired the car," we can change it to "The car was repaired by a mechanic." The agent (mechanic) can also be omitted in this case.
Similarly, in sentences 4, 5, and 6, we can transform them into the passive voice as shown in the examples above. The agent can be omitted if it is not necessary for clarity or understanding.
In summary, we can transform the sentences into the passive voice by placing the subject of the original sentence at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the auxiliary verb "was" or "were" (depending on the tense), and the past participle form of the verb. The agent can be included or omitted depending on its importance in the context of the sentence.
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