Прочитайте. Объясните смысл пословиц. 1. Петь хорошо вместе, а говорить порознь. 2. Хорошие речи приятно и слушать. 3. Говорит день до вечера, а слушать нечего.
1) english and french are spoken by them at this hotel.2) the window was broken by the little boy last week. 3) this enquiry was typed by our secretary. 4) computer is used by jill quite often. 5) some colleages were defendedby the secretary. 6) this picture was painted by picasso. 7) ten books were published by them last year. 8) this canrdigan was knitted by molly. 9) marc will be visited by george in london next year. 10) the window was opened by jim. 11) many windows were broken by frank. 12) many book are bought by lucy. 13) some letters were written by david.97