Abdilda Tazhibayev was born in 1909 in Akmeshit (now Kyzylorda). Medium
one hundred
The Kipchak tribe Tory clan is descended from Bessary's grandfather. [1] [2] His father, Tazhibai, died in 1915 and was left in the care of his mother, Aimankul. Due to his condition, six-year-old Abdilda was taken to a suburb of Karaozek. Then the future poet lived until the age of thirteen with his mother Aimankul and uncle Daldabay
grows in upbringing. Young Abdilda's poems and literature
His mother and aunt also aroused his curiosity
will be the grandfather. Aimankul is fluent in Arabic and Persian
He was literate, open-minded, and cheerful.
He writes letters to Abdilda and teaches her literature. Abdilda's mother Aimankul, who later became a well-known folk poet and published a collection of poems, at the request of his father Daldabay, recited to the villagers the stories of the East and various Kazakh poems. Passionate, silent, silent
One of his listeners was Abdil. Later, in a small group, Abdilda would recite the stories and epics to his guests and villagers.
ответ:нагревание льда 2 кг
Q1=c1m1*dT=2100*2*(0-(-5))=21 кДж
плавление льда 2 кг
Q2=λm1 =330 кДж/кг * 2 кг = 660 кДж
нагревание воды 1 кг
Q3 = c2m2*dT =4200*1*(100-0)=420 кДж
испарение воды 1 кг
Q4= Lm2 =2260 кДж\кг * 1 кг = 2260 кДж
полезная энергия Q=Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4=21+660+420+2260 =3361 кДж
КПД спиртовки 40% (0.4)
полная энергия при сгорании W=Q/КПД =3361/0.4 =8402,5 кДж=8402,5 *10^3 Дж
масса спирта m=W/q =8402,5 *10^3 / (2.7*10^7)=0.3112 кг=311.2 г
ОТВЕТ 0.3112 кг=311.2 г
Q=c льда mt+Lm+с воды mt Q= 2100*0.1*5 + 3,3*10^5 *0.1 + 4200*0.1*20 = 1050 +33000+8400=42 450 Дж
Q1=c1*m1*Δt1=460*2*(500-24)=437 920 Дж
Теперь посмотрим какое количество теплоты забрала вся вода для нагревания до 24 градусов:
Q2=c2*m2*Δt2=4200*10*(24-20)=168 000Дж
ΔQ=437 920-168 000=269 920 Дж - теплота, ушедшая на нагревание некоторой воды до 100 градусов и испарения:
m3=Q3/(c2*Δt3+L2)=269 920/(4200*(100-24)+2 300 000)=0.103 кг или 103 г
ответ: испарилось 103 г воды
Часом, за який розпадеться половина наявних ядер, називають півперіод (Т). Стала розпаду (лямбда) = 0.693/T
Отже, стала розпаду Радію в 53 рази менше за сталу розпаду Цезію.
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