Будем считать, что опоры подпирают балку на ее концах. На балку действуют 3 силы: сила тяжести груза (F), направлена вниз, сила реакции опоры А (Fa), направлена вверх, сила реакции опоры В (Fb), направлена вверх Запишем уравнение равновесия: F = Fa + Fb Выберем произвольную точку, ось вращения балки. Например точку В. Запишем уравнение моментов сил относительно этой точки. Мb = 0 - момент силы Fb Ma = Fa * L - момент силы Fa, где L = 5 м - длина балки М = F * (L - ΔL) - момент силы F, где ΔL = 2,6 м Ma = M Fa * L = F * (L - ΔL) Fa = F * (L - ΔL) / L = 40 кН * 2,4 м / 5 м = 19,2 кН Fb = 40 кН - 19,2 кН = 20,8 кН
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
На балку действуют 3 силы: сила тяжести груза (F), направлена вниз, сила реакции опоры А (Fa), направлена вверх, сила реакции опоры В (Fb), направлена вверх
Запишем уравнение равновесия:
F = Fa + Fb
Выберем произвольную точку, ось вращения балки. Например точку В.
Запишем уравнение моментов сил относительно этой точки.
Мb = 0 - момент силы Fb
Ma = Fa * L - момент силы Fa, где L = 5 м - длина балки
М = F * (L - ΔL) - момент силы F, где
ΔL = 2,6 м
Ma = M
Fa * L = F * (L - ΔL)
Fa = F * (L - ΔL) / L = 40 кН * 2,4 м / 5 м = 19,2 кН
Fb = 40 кН - 19,2 кН = 20,8 кН