Трансформатор підвищує напругу U1=200 В до напруги U2=1500 В.У вторинній обмотці протікає струм І2=0,2 А. Визначити струм у первинній обмотці, якщо коефіцієнт корисної дії трансформатора η=96%.
V1=220 км/ч = 61,1 м/с определим ускорение необходимоя для торможения v2 = 0 а = (v2 - v1) / t = (0 - 61,1) / 60 = - 1.02 м/c2 t = 1 мин = 60 c тогда путь равен = s - ? = 61.1 * 60 - (1,02 * 60^2)/2 = 1830 м ответ: s = 1830 м
The fireman is a very interesting and dangerous profession.when the fireman helping people, he risks his life.this people must have good physical parameters.and he must be brave and don't afraid come in the burning house. this profession very intense because for fireman depending life of the peoples,therefore he must be responsible and was good reaction.as this profession was a good paying maybe this is one of its pluses. the firemans was respecting and considering a hero.they was authority at many people