the person i admire most in the world is nelson mandela. he was the president of south arm.he was put in prison because of his political beliefs. he wanted to get equal rights for black people in south africa.he was a lawyer before he went to prison and he represented himself at his trial.the reason that i admire him is that in spite of the fact that he spent such a long time in prison he never changed his views.
i think he's really influenced the way people think about how they can make changes, political changes, by standing by what they believe in and stating their beliefs very clearly.
остальное я думаю можно выкинуть-смысл и так сохраняется) кстати мне тоже нравится этот политик, ведь он как никак выступал за права людей, ведь чернокожие люди такими же правами как и мы с вами : )
the person i admire most in the world is nelson mandela - the president of south arm a during the 1990s. before that he spent more than twenty-five years in prison because of his political beliefs. he wanted to get equal rights for black people in south africa.
the reason that i admire him is that in spite of the fact that he spent such a long time in prison he never changed his views. it would've been quite easy for him to stop campaigning for the rights of black people, but he never did that.
i think he's really influenced the way people think about how they can change politics, by standing by their beliefs and stating them very clearly.
Сила тока I=U/R=80/40=2A