My dream home would be very warm. It would have a milkshake maker, smoothie maker, ice cream maker, and a snow cone maker. It would have ten big and amazing floors. One of the rooms would be a puppy room with cute little puppies and they would all be girls. The room next to it would be a movie theater and it can give you an arm massage and back massage. Plus, there would be a mall with kids everything toys clothes shoes everything you can think of that a kid would like. On the 9th floor there would be a mini Disney World with a replica Cinderella Castle. Some of the characters would be a the mini Disney World as well. Oh yeah I forgot! There would be an amusement park with roller coasters and so much more. Even with little kid rides. Next to it would be an waterpark. With millions of waterslides and so many water activities. Then there would be a massage bed for my friends. family, and my teachers, Mrs Votta, Mrs. Nugent, and my third grade teacher from last year Ms. Amato. They could design their room however they want and guess what?! They can come whenever they want. I hope everybody loves kittens and cats because there would be a giant kitten room and cat room. I hope my dream house will get built so that way me, my friends, my teachers, and most of all my family can come and enjoy it with me!
Дмитрий Константинович Комаров - современный украинский путешественник, телеведущий, журналист. Родился 17 июня 1983 года в Киеве. Самые яркие экспедиции в Африке 2004 - 2005 год. Непал (2007-2008 г.) Индия ( 2008 - 2009 г.) 2010 -2012 г экспедиция по Юго-Восточной Азии. Все экспедиции были сняты на камеру и доступны для просмотра широкой аудитории.
Имеет награды как лучший путешественник и телеведущий - "Фаворит телепрессы 2012".
Источники информации: Интернет, телевидение, радиостанции, официальный сайт путешественника.
My dream home would be very warm. It would have a milkshake maker, smoothie maker, ice cream maker, and a snow cone maker. It would have ten big and amazing floors. One of the rooms would be a puppy room with cute little puppies and they would all be girls. The room next to it would be a movie theater and it can give you an arm massage and back massage. Plus, there would be a mall with kids everything toys clothes shoes everything you can think of that a kid would like. On the 9th floor there would be a mini Disney World with a replica Cinderella Castle. Some of the characters would be a the mini Disney World as well. Oh yeah I forgot! There would be an amusement park with roller coasters and so much more. Even with little kid rides. Next to it would be an waterpark. With millions of waterslides and so many water activities. Then there would be a massage bed for my friends. family, and my teachers, Mrs Votta, Mrs. Nugent, and my third grade teacher from last year Ms. Amato. They could design their room however they want and guess what?! They can come whenever they want. I hope everybody loves kittens and cats because there would be a giant kitten room and cat room. I hope my dream house will get built so that way me, my friends, my teachers, and most of all my family can come and enjoy it with me!