ОЧЕНЬ НАДО 1. Какие тектонические структуры лежат в основе Северной Америки? 2. Назовите и покажите на карте основные формы рельефа материка. 3. Какие формы рельефа и где оставил древний лед- С.69,70 ник? 4. Что такое фьорды и как они образуются? 5. Почему Кордильеры возникли на западе материка? Какие хребты в них самые молодые? 6. Почему Северная Америка богата и рудными, и горючими полезными ископаемыми?
a small forest clearing. pines, spruces, and birches live here together. it is important to walk in the forest paths in pairs of crows. sparrows frolic, flying from branch to branch. the woodpecker sometimes breaks the silence of the forest. all the inhabitants of the forest are busy with important business. thoughts are thinking about the holiday, about the new year. already chosen a christmas tree. we sent invitations to guests.everything is ready for the holiday. multi-colored balls, crackers and toys. the guys did not forget about the birds. poured seeds, nuts and crackers into the feeders. squirrels shared their nuts and hung cones and toys on the christmas tree. santa claus and snow maiden placed icicles and frosty patterns on the trees. crows invited all the guests to a round dance.elegant birches are spinning, squirrels, pines and bunnies are dancing. exactly at midnight, the woodpecker triumphantly knocks on a tree and announces the beginning of the new year. the moon and the new crescent are sent congratulations, the stars wink. happy new year in the forest!