You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England an
Раз периметр ромба равен 16 см, то каждая его сторона равна 16:4=4 см. Точкой пересечения диагоналей получаем прямоугольный треугольник, в котором гипотенузой является сторона ромба, равная 4 см, а также катет, равный половине данной длины нашей диагонали, т.е. один из катетов равен 3√4:2=6:2=3. По теореме Пифагора находим второй катет: 4^2-3^2=7. Второй катет равен √7. Тут по таблице Брадиса я только примерно могу назвать градусную меру углов. Возьмём синус угла, напротив которого лежит половина нашей диагонали. Он будет равен 3:4=0,75. Градусная мера угла(примерно!) равна 49 градусов. Тогда градусная мера другого угла примерно будет равна 180-90-49=41 градус. Т.к. проведённые диагонали ромба являются и биссектрисами его углов, то градусная мера двух углов будет равна 98-ми градусам(лежащим напротив друг друга), а градусная мера других двух углов будет равна 82 градусам. Чтобы удостовериться, что данные расчёты в теории правильны, сложим эти углы(должно получиться 360 градусов)=82^2+98^2=360. ответ:Градусная мера острых углов ромба равна 82-ум градусам, а тупых 98-ми.
You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England an