Как то так..лайк если можно
Трапеция ABCD, AD II BC; AD > BC (то есть AD = 16; BC = 12)
Средняя линяя равна (12 + 16)/2 = 14. Отрезок средней линии между диагональю АС и боковой стороной АВ равен половине малого основания ВС (то есть 6) - это средняя линяя в треугольнике АВС. Аналогично, отрезок средней линии между диагональю BD и боковай стороной CD тоже равен половине ВС (тоже 6) - это средняя линяя треугольника BCD. Поэтому искомый отрезок средней линии, заключенный между диагоналями, равен 14 - 2*6 = 2.
В общем случае, если основания a > b, то этот отрезок равен (a - b)/2
1.I've never eaten such delicious cakes before. 2 You've never been here before, have you? 3. You came to this Mall for the first time, didn't you? 4. Have you ever been late for a plane? 5. I met some interesting people during my time here. 6. George has had three accidents since he bought this car. 7 students have already passed this exam. - When did they give it up? 8. I haven't been to this cafe in a while. Last time I had lunch there was three months ago. 9. Since I got up this morning, I've had 10 cups of coffee. 10. Did you see Anna today? - No, I haven't met her this week. I think she's sick. 11. I'm sorry I haven't called you in so long, but I've been really busy lately. 12. We have just discussed this issue. - What decision did you make? 13. Since we started repairs, we've spent a lot of money, but we haven't finished the job yet. 14. I loved the movie I saw yesterday. I've always liked Comedy. 15. Did you hear the news? Anna married Paul. - How many people were at their wedding? 16. My husband has been on a business trip three times in the last month. Before he had never been away from home so often 17. Since Ella moved to Moscow, she has made a good career. She became a Manager in a major Bank. 18. Ever since my sister started working in a restaurant, it's so much better. 19. When dad returned from work in the evening, he said: "this morning I had an important meeting". 20. How long have you had this computer? - We bought it three years ago, and it's never broken down in all this time.
Задание 2: Анализ художественных особенностей «Бежин луг» ( )
1. Почему рассказ называется «Бежин луг»?
2. Кто главный герой произведения. Имеется ли конкретный сюжет рассказа?
3. Как относится герой – рассказчик к ребятам, которых он случайно встретил в
ночной степи?
4. Назовите героев рассказа «Бежин луг». Сколько их? На каждого запишите по одной
строчке описания из текста
5. Что еще самое важное, кроме бедности мальчиков их разного социального
положения, удалось показать автору?