Cм. рисунок и обозначения в приложении По теореме косинусов (2√3)²=6²+х²-2·6·х·cos 30° 12=36+x²-6√3·x=0 x²- 6√3·x+24=0 D=108-96=12 x=(6√3-2√3)/2=2√3 или х=(6√3+2√3)/2=4√3
если х=2√3, то диагональ делит параллелограмм на два равнобедренных треугольника. Углы параллелограмма 60° и 120°
если х=4√3 то по теореме косинусов ( α - угол параллелограмма , лежащий против диагонали) 6²=(2√3)²+(4√3)²-2·2√3·4√3 ·cos α ⇒ 36=12+48-48·cosα⇒
α=60° второй угол параллелограмма 120° см. рисунок 2 ответ 120° и 60°
Hi! My name is Jonathan. I have got many friends. But Joshua is my best friend. He is two years older than me. We have the common interests. Joshua is a true friend. He is very kind and merry. We spend much time together. Sometimes he helps me to do my homework. We often play different games on the computer together. We also like to spend our free time outside. We ride our bicycles and spend time in the fresh air. The word "friend " has an ending "end " , so I hope our friendship will never end .