mobile_devices = {
'cucuPhone': 2010,
'cucuBlet': 2013,
'cucuClock': 2015,
'cucuEar': 2018,
'cuCube': 2015,
home_devices = {
'cucuLot': 2011,
'cucuBlock': 2010,
'cucuWall': 2010,
'cucuMonitor': 2020,
'cucuLamp': 2015,
'cucuTable': 2016,
'cucuTV': 2017,
not_supported_devices = {'cucuBlock', 'cucuBlet', 'cucuWall'}
result_supported = {}
# Функция объединяет ключи двух словарей в один set и возвращает его
def union_devices(devices_obj_1, devices_obj_2):
set_1 = set(devices_obj_1)
set_2 = set(devices_obj_2)
union_set = set_1.union(set_2)
return union_set
# Функция находит разницу двух сетов и возвращает её в виде set
def difference_device(all_devices, not_supported_devices):
diff_set = all_devices.difference(not_supported_devices)
return diff_set
# Функция копирует элементы из исходных словарей в результирующий словарь
def is_supported(dict_devices, device):
if device in dict_devices:
result_supported[device] = dict_devices[device]
# Вызываем union_devices(), чтобы получить полный перечень устройств
all_devices = union_devices(mobile_devices, home_devices)
# В result_devices сохранить сет, который вернёт функция difference_device()
result_devices = difference_device(all_devices, not_supported_devices)
# Перебрать в цикле сет result_devices и для каждого элемента
# дважды вызвать функцию is_supported:
# - с аргументами mobile_devices, device
# - и с аргументами home_devices, device
for device in result_devices:
is_supported(mobile_devices, device)
is_supported(home_devices, device)
import android
import time
import sys, select, os #for loop exit
#Initiate android-module
droid = android.Android()
#notify me
droid.makeToast("fetching GPS data")
print("start gps-sensor...")
while True:
#exit loop hook
if sys.stdin in[sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]:
line = input()
print("exit endless loop...")
#wait for location-event
event = droid.eventWaitFor('location',10000).result
if event['name'] == "location":
#try to get gps location data
timestamp = repr(event['data']['gps']['time'])
longitude = repr(event['data']['gps']['longitude'])
latitude = repr(event['data']['gps']['latitude'])
altitude = repr(event['data']['gps']['altitude'])
speed = repr(event['data']['gps']['speed'])
accuracy = repr(event['data']['gps']['accuracy'])
loctype = "gps"
except KeyError:
#if no gps data, get the network location instead (inaccurate)
timestamp = repr(event['data']['network']['time'])
longitude = repr(event['data']['network']['longitude'])
latitude = repr(event['data']['network']['latitude'])
altitude = repr(event['data']['network']['altitude'])
speed = repr(event['data']['network']['speed'])
accuracy = repr(event['data']['network']['accuracy'])
loctype = "net"
data = loctype + ";" + timestamp + ";" + longitude + ";" + latitude + ";" + altitude + ";" + speed + ";" + accuracy
print(data) #logging
time.sleep(5) #wait for 5 seconds
print("stop gps-sensor...")