Program raznost_xy; var x, y:integer; begin write ('Введите число х = '); readln (x); write ('Введите число у = '); readln (y);
if (x>0) and (y>0) then begin if abs(x)>abs(y) then write ('x-y > 0'); if abs(x)=abs(y) then write ('x-y = 0'); if abs(x)<abs(y) then write ('x-y < 0'); end;
if (x<0) and (y<0) then begin if abs(x)>abs(y) then write ('x-y < 0'); if abs(x)=abs(y) then write ('x-y = 0'); if abs(x)<abs(y) then write ('x-y > 0'); end;
if (x=0) and (y=0) then write ('x-y = 0'); if (x>0) and (y<0) then write ('x-y > 0'); if (x<0) and (y>0) then write ('x-y < 0'); if (x=0) and (y>0) then write ('x-y < 0'); if (x=0) and (y<0) then write ('x-y > 0'); if (x>0) and (y=0) then write ('x-y > 0'); if (x<0) and (y=0) then write ('x-y < 0'); end.
Program z; var a:array [1..15] of integer; i,k,s,j,n:integer; begin
writeln('Начальная последовательность'); for i:=1 to 15 do begin a[i]:=random(1,100); write(a[i], ' '); end; for j:=1 to 14 do for i:=1 to 14 do if a[i]>a[i+1] then begin k:=a[i]; a[i]:=a[i+1]; a[i+1]:=k end; writeln; writeln('Отсортированная последовательность'); for i:=1 to 15 do write(a[i], ' '); writeln; write('Введите N (а[1]<N<a[15]) '); read(n); for i:=1 to 15 do begin if (a[i]=n) or (a[1]>n) or (a[15]<n) then begin while (a[i]=n) or (a[1]>n) or (a[15]<n) do begin writeln('Ошибака! Число N не длжно совпадать с элементами последвовательности и а[1]<N<a[15]'); write('Введите N (а[1]<N<a[15]) '); read(n); end; end; if a[i]<n then s:=a[i]+s; end; write('Cумму последовательности меньших N = ',s); end.
var x, y:integer;
write ('Введите число х = ');
readln (x);
write ('Введите число у = ');
readln (y);
if (x>0) and (y>0) then
if abs(x)>abs(y) then write ('x-y > 0');
if abs(x)=abs(y) then write ('x-y = 0');
if abs(x)<abs(y) then write ('x-y < 0');
if (x<0) and (y<0) then
if abs(x)>abs(y) then write ('x-y < 0');
if abs(x)=abs(y) then write ('x-y = 0');
if abs(x)<abs(y) then write ('x-y > 0');
if (x=0) and (y=0) then write ('x-y = 0');
if (x>0) and (y<0) then write ('x-y > 0');
if (x<0) and (y>0) then write ('x-y < 0');
if (x=0) and (y>0) then write ('x-y < 0');
if (x=0) and (y<0) then write ('x-y > 0');
if (x>0) and (y=0) then write ('x-y > 0');
if (x<0) and (y=0) then write ('x-y < 0');