#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Variables
int firtstNumber = 0;
char chFirstNumber[10];
int secondNumber = 0;
int countIntDivSecondNumber = 0;
int averageIntDivSecnodNumber = 0;
// Input data
while (firtstNumber < 100 || secondNumber < 100) {
cout << "Input two nubmers above 100" << endl;
cout << "Firtst Number = ";
cin >> firtstNumber;
cout << "Second Number = ";
cin >> secondNumber;
// Convert int to char (save to chFirstNumber)
_itoa_s(firtstNumber, chFirstNumber, 10);
// arithmetic average of the integer divisors
for (int i = 1; i < secondNumber; i++) {
if (secondNumber % i == 0) {
averageIntDivSecnodNumber += i;
averageIntDivSecnodNumber /= countIntDivSecondNumber;
// Output solution
cout << "Second digit of firtst number is " << chFirstNumber[1] << endl;
cout << "Arithmetic avarage of the integer divisors of the second number is " << averageIntDivSecnodNumber << endl;
Остаток от деления нацело
10 mod 3 = 1