// PascalABC.NET 3.1, сборка 1218 от 12.04.2016 uses GraphABC;
procedure Sun(x, y: integer); begin var c := 8;
for var j := 1 to 100 do begin var r := 15 * c; var k := 0; if j mod 2 = 0 then k := 20;
for var i := 0 to c do begin Brush.Color := RGB(230 - k, 230 - k, 0); Circle(x, y, r); k := k + 15; r := r - 15; sleep(100); end; end; end;
procedure House(x, y: integer); begin Brush.Color := clBrown; Pen.Color := clBurlyWood; var house_width := 300; var house_height := 300; var count := 10; var step := round(house_width / count);
FillRectangle(x, y, x + house_width, y + house_height);
var xx := x; for var i := 1 to count - 1 do begin xx := xx + step; Line(xx, y, xx, y + house_height); end;
Brush.Color := clGray; FillRectangle(x + 100, y + 100, x + 200, y + 210); Brush.Color := clYellow; FillRectangle(x + 105, y + 105, x + 195, y + 150); Brush.Color := clRed; FillRectangle(x + 105, y + 155, x + 150, y + 205); Brush.Color := clBlue; FillRectangle(x + 155, y + 155, x + 195, y + 205);
MoveTo(x + house_width div 2, y - 80); LineTo(x + house_width, y, Pen.Color); LineTo(x, y, Pen.Color); LineTo(x + house_width div 2, y - 80, Pen.Color); FlooDfill(x + house_width div 2, y - 10, clOlive);
Brush.Color := clRed; Circle(x + house_width div 2, y - 35, 30); end;
procedure Turtoise(x, y: integer); begin Brush.Color := clGreen; Pen.Color := clGreen; FillRectangle(x + 5, y + 15, x - 20, y + 24); FillRectangle(x + 50, y, x + 30, y + 70); FillRectangle(x + 100, y, x + 120, y + 70); FillCircle(x + 170, y, 30);
Brush.Color := clWhite; FillCircle(x + 180, y - 20, 10);
Brush.Color := clBlack; FillCircle(x + 182, y - 18, 2); Brush.Color := clRed; FillRectangle(x + 180, y, x + 200, y + 4); Brush.Color := clBrown; FillEllipse(x, y - 10, x + 150, y + 50); end;
uses crt; var s:string; c:char; m:set of char; n,i,k,p:byte; begin writeln('Введите текст из строчных латинских букв, окончаание ввода Enter'); s:=''; repeat c:=readkey; if c in ['a'..'z'] then begin write(c); s:=s+c; end; if c=#13 then writeln until c=#13; n:=length(s); m:=[]; for c:='a' to 'z' do begin k:=0; for i:=1 to n do if s[i]=c then k:=k+1; if k>1 then m:=m+[c]; end; if m=[] then write('Нет букв, встречающихся более 1 раза') else for c:='a' to 'z' do if c in m then write(c) end.
uses GraphABC;
procedure Sun(x, y: integer);
var c := 8;
for var j := 1 to 100 do
var r := 15 * c;
var k := 0;
if j mod 2 = 0 then k := 20;
for var i := 0 to c do
Brush.Color := RGB(230 - k, 230 - k, 0);
Circle(x, y, r);
k := k + 15;
r := r - 15;
procedure House(x, y: integer);
Brush.Color := clBrown;
Pen.Color := clBurlyWood;
var house_width := 300;
var house_height := 300;
var count := 10;
var step := round(house_width / count);
FillRectangle(x, y, x + house_width, y + house_height);
var xx := x;
for var i := 1 to count - 1 do
xx := xx + step;
Line(xx, y, xx, y + house_height);
Brush.Color := clGray;
FillRectangle(x + 100, y + 100, x + 200, y + 210);
Brush.Color := clYellow;
FillRectangle(x + 105, y + 105, x + 195, y + 150);
Brush.Color := clRed;
FillRectangle(x + 105, y + 155, x + 150, y + 205);
Brush.Color := clBlue;
FillRectangle(x + 155, y + 155, x + 195, y + 205);
MoveTo(x + house_width div 2, y - 80);
LineTo(x + house_width, y, Pen.Color);
LineTo(x, y, Pen.Color);
LineTo(x + house_width div 2, y - 80, Pen.Color);
FlooDfill(x + house_width div 2, y - 10, clOlive);
Brush.Color := clRed;
Circle(x + house_width div 2, y - 35, 30);
procedure Turtoise(x, y: integer);
Brush.Color := clGreen;
Pen.Color := clGreen;
FillRectangle(x + 5, y + 15, x - 20, y + 24);
FillRectangle(x + 50, y, x + 30, y + 70);
FillRectangle(x + 100, y, x + 120, y + 70);
FillCircle(x + 170, y, 30);
Brush.Color := clWhite;
FillCircle(x + 180, y - 20, 10);
Brush.Color := clBlack;
FillCircle(x + 182, y - 18, 2);
Brush.Color := clRed;
FillRectangle(x + 180, y, x + 200, y + 4);
Brush.Color := clBrown;
FillEllipse(x, y - 10, x + 150, y + 50);
Window.Init(0, 0, 1920, 1000, clBlue);
Brush.Color := clLimeGreen;
Rectangle(0, 580, 1920, 1018);
House(700, 380);
Turtoise(300, 600);
Turtoise(900, 750);
Sun(1200, 200);