Uses crt; const n = 15; var i, imin, imax, m, min, max, j: integer; a: array[1..n]of integer; begin Writeln('Введите числа в массив'); for i := 1 to n do readln(a[i]); for i := 1 to n do write(a[i], ' '); min := a[1]; max := a[1]; imin := 1; imax := 1; for j := 1 to n do begin if(a[j] > max) then begin max := a[j]; imax := j; end; if(a[j] < min) then begin min := a[j]; imin := j; end; end; writeln(); writeln('индекс минимального элемента ', imin, ' индекс максимального элемента ', imax); m := abs(imin - imax); Writeln(); Writeln('Кол-во элементов между макс. и мин. элементами ', m - 1); end.
import random
N = [random.randint(0, 100) for i in range(10)]
print ("Array is:", N)
sum_less_50 = 0
Count_less_50 = 0
sum_more_50 = 0
Count_more_50 = 0
for elem in N:
if elem >= 50:
Count_more_50 += 1
sum_more_50 += elem
Count_less_50 += 1
sum_less_50 += elem
print("Awerage of nums, that < 50: ", end = "")
if Count_less_50 > 0:
print(sum_less_50 / Count_less_50)
print("Awerage of nums, that >= 50: ", end= "")
if Count_more_50 > 0:
print(sum_more_50 / Count_more_50)