many thanks for your letter. it was nice to hear from you again. i`m sorry i didn`t answer before, i was really busy preparing for my exams.
as for your questions, you know, i`ve always liked the idea of collecting books at home. i get absolutely excited when i see home libraries at my friends` houses. just imagine, one of my friends has a full collection of exclusive edition of “the lord of the rings”! besides, he`s got a gift editions of “harry potter” books. he likes to collect adventure novels, science fiction and detective stories.
(1605 - 1606) самозванец, авантюрист, выдававший себя за русского царя Дмитрия Ивановича, убитого еще ребенком
По официальной версии, Лжедмитрий - это беглый монах Григорий Отрепьев.
Лжедмитрий 1 сумел захватить трон и правил Русским государством около года. Но народные волнения и боярский заговор привели к его свержению и смерти. Судя по сохранившимся портретам и описаниям современников, претендент был низок ростом, достаточно неуклюж, лицо имел круглое и некрасивое (особенно уродовали его две крупные бородавки на лбу и на щеке) , рыжие волосы и тёмно-голубые глаза.
many thanks for your letter. it was nice to hear from you again. i`m sorry i didn`t answer before, i was really busy preparing for my exams.
as for your questions, you know, i`ve always liked the idea of collecting books at home. i get absolutely excited when i see home libraries at my friends` houses. just imagine, one of my friends has a full collection of exclusive edition of “the lord of the rings”! besides, he`s got a gift editions of “harry potter” books. he likes to collect adventure novels, science fiction and detective stories.
sorry, but i have to go now.
i`m looking forward to hearing from you.
best wishes,