dark water rising tells the fictional story of a young man and his family's struggle to survive during the galveston hurricane of 1900, known as the great storm or the galveston flood.
sixteen year old seth braeden moves with his family to galveston, the fastest growing city in america in 1900. seth's uncle nate has convinced his father, a master carpenter to move there, offering him a foreman job that would pay enough money to send all his boys to college. seth however, doesn't want to go to college to study medicine - he wants to work as a carpenter. although he tells his father this, his wishes are ignored and he is told he is too young to know what he wants.so seth along with his parents, his two younger brothers, twelve year old matt and ten year old lucas, and his younger sister, four year old kate, move into a rental home close to the beach on galveston island. seth's uncle nate and aunt julia have four boys, seventeen year old ben who plans to attend medical school, eleven year old andy and nine year old will as well as ten month old elliot. seth finds it strange to see that his uncle has a hired black man, ezra and his son josiah and he's not happy about how is uncle or his dad treat them.almost immediately seth is offered work as a carpenter's helper building rental homes near the beach. his father agrees to let him work provided he can save three quarters of his pay towards college. since public school doesn't open until october, this gives seth almost a month of work. seth begins working for foreman george farrell and is paired with henry covington, another promising, young carpenter. also working on the construction site are the three judson brothers, frank, charlie and zachary as well as josiah. seth decides to walk home each day with josiah who is quiet and treats seth like he is his master, addressing him as "sir". this troubles seth but he when he mentions this to josiah, he tells seth that this is how it must be.seth and his family settle in quickly. his days are filled with work as a carpenter's helper and his time off is spent at the beach. at home and at the beach seth can't help but notice a pretty blond girl next door, whom ben tells him is ella rose covington. ella rose is a sixteen year old student at the ursuline academy. ella and seth meet one day and seth learns that henry is ella's cousin. they decide to meet to go swimming on the saturday. unknown to both, their lives will soon change forever.
on friday evening before quitting time, ella shows up at the work site to tell mr. farrell that the storm flags went up that morning. on friday evening when ella and seth are walking on the beach, ella remarks how the surf looks strange and different. neither realizes that they are witnessing the storm surge before a powerful hurricane. on saturday morning, seth shows up for work but he is worried; the water in the streets is over his ankles. soon the streets begin filling with water, the bathhouses and many other beach structure are destroyed by the monster waves. by now seth knows that this is no ordinary storm and all their lives are in peril. he manages to return home but finds his family gone.dark water rising is a good fictional account of the great storm that is heavily based on historical fact. author marian hale used information from survivor accounts, particularly that of katherine vedder, who took in neighbours during the hurricane. in dark water rising her family helps the fictional character of seth and josiah during the storm but also many others who were real people who experienced the hurricane.
Ганнібал був одним із синів карфагенського полководця Гамількара Барки, мав кількох сестер та двох братів — Гасдрубала та Магона. Ще дитиною він застав Повстання найманців та завоювання Іберії. Прізвисько Барка («блискавка»), мабуть, було спадковим, тому що пізніше Ганнібал і його брати також носили ім'я Барка. Після поразки Карфагена у Першій Пунічній війні Гамількара було відіслано в Іберію, щоб «покращити там справи Карфагена». Країна була розореною після війни, тому за відсутністю кораблів Гамількару довелося долати шлях з Африки до Іспанії суходолом. Він узяв з собою в похід і свого сина — Ганнібала, якому, перед тим як вирушити, наказав принести клятву, яка набула значення крилатого вислову «Ганнібалова клятва»[7]. Гамількар спитав сина чи хоче той вирушити разом з ним, почувши схвальну відповідь, Гамількар сказав, що перед жертовним вівтарем він має поклястися бути довічним ворогом Риму.
За Полібієм, ця історія була розказана самим Ганнібалом селевкідському царю Антіоху ІІІ. Дитинство Ганнібала пройшло в місті Гадес, з якого його батько почав завойовницькі походи в Іспанії[8]. Гамількар піклувався про освіту сину, тому найняв для нього вчителів з Карфагену та Еллади, від яких він отримав загальні знання та навчився класичним мовам[9]. З часом Ганнібал почав брати участь і у військових авантюрах батька. Зокрема, Гамількар відвоював у місцевих племен золоті та срібні копальні й відновив карбування монети для виплати контрибуції Римові[
техника,бензин,нефть,газ,свет,нету кишлака