there are many cases in which animals take in cubs that do not belong to them, or even their species, like this adorable little pig. but i have never seen a monkey taking so well to a couple of tiger cubs before. after hurricane hannah ravaged the state of south carolina, the tigers of one of the zoos started acting very aggressive and were considered a danger to their young. so these two white tiger cubs were separated from their mother and adopted by a 2-year-old chimpanzee. as you can see from the photo he really takes parenting seriously. i wonder how their relationship will
Монгольская империя представляла собой феодальное государство. Ее экономической основой являлись феодальные производственные отношения, характерная черта которых - феодальная собственность на землю, пастбища и скот. По мнению некоторых исследователей, это была сословная собственность, признаваемая рядовыми кочевниками путем дачи определенной части получаемого продукта своему господину.