Рост промышленных предприятий, открытие совхозов требовали подготовленных и высококвалифицированных кадров. В целях решения этой задачи в ноябре 1947 года Советское правительство приняло постановление «О мерах дальнейшего развития высшего и среднего образования в Казахской ССР», по которому республике выделялись дополнительные средства на строительство школ и других учебных заведений, оснащение их материально-технической базы, в Казахстан направлялись квалифицированные кадры. Был расширен набор из числа местной молодежи в центральные вузы страны.
Remember, Kazakhstan, you are great!
Not in the field of battles past
But in the green fields full of wheat.
And forests, gardens free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, sand on strand.
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas,
Your beasts and fish, birds in trees.
Your sunrise is a splendid sight,
Which gives me always such delight!
My Kazakhstan, you are my life!
That is so happy in your wide
And endless, awesome – heaven’s hight
That gives to fertile soil its light.
Beneath the great sun lies my land.
So vast and marvelous and grand!
The spirits of your fathers
Shall start from every blade.
For the steppe was their field of fame
And the steppe was their grave.
My independent Kazakhstan!
So many battles have been won
To make you equal state to others,
Now many countries are like brothers
To you, my dear Motherland!
You are a peaceful land we know,
You said to neutron bomb your “No”!
You are a friend to every state
With president so wise and great!
The glorious flag of Kazakhstan
Will always wave and shine
Like its gleaming blue of heaven
And golden sunshine divine.
We love you, dear Kazakhstan,
Your lakes, and hills, and skies, and rivers,
Your fame and people and your spirit
Your finest future we believe in!
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