Напишите термохимическое уравнение реакции горения ацетилена, определите ее энтальпию, вычислите количество теплоты, которое может выделиться при сгорании 1 м3 (н.у.) ацетилена.
Air is a mixture of several gases, where the two most dominant components in dry air are 21 vol% oxygen and 78 vol% nitrogen. Oxygen has a molar mass of 15.9994 g/mol and nitrogen has a molar mass of 14.0067 g/mol. Since both of these elements are diatomic in air - O2 and N2, the molar mass of oxygen gas is 32 g/mol and the molar mass of nitrogen gas is 28 g/mol.
The average molar mass is equal to the sum of the mole fractions of each gas multiplied by the molar mass of that particular gas:
Mmixture = (x1*M1 + + xn*Mn) (1)
xi = mole fractions of each gas
Mi = the molar mass of each gas
The molar mass of dry air is 28.9647 g/mol. Composition and content of each gas in air is given in the figures and the table
В атоме водорода (1H) 1 протон, 1 электрон, 0 нейтронов. В атоме углерода (12C) 6электронов, 6 протонов и 6 нейтронов
В молекуле углеводорода N(e) / N(n) = 1.5; Количество нейтронов обусловлено только наличием атома углерода 12С. Допустим что углерод 1, тогда N(e) = 1,5 * 6 = 9. Единственный углеводород с одним углеродом это метан CH4, но у него 6+4 = 10 электронов. Не подходит.
Допустим что углеродa 2, тогда N(e) = 1,5 * 2*6 = 18. Если это алкан, то углеводород — это этан C2H6, тогда 6*2 + 1*6 = 18 электронов.
Air is a mixture of several gases, where the two most dominant components in dry air are 21 vol% oxygen and 78 vol% nitrogen. Oxygen has a molar mass of 15.9994 g/mol and nitrogen has a molar mass of 14.0067 g/mol. Since both of these elements are diatomic in air - O2 and N2, the molar mass of oxygen gas is 32 g/mol and the molar mass of nitrogen gas is 28 g/mol.
The average molar mass is equal to the sum of the mole fractions of each gas multiplied by the molar mass of that particular gas:
Mmixture = (x1*M1 + + xn*Mn) (1)
xi = mole fractions of each gas
Mi = the molar mass of each gas
The molar mass of dry air is 28.9647 g/mol. Composition and content of each gas in air is given in the figures and the table
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