Це я, блохер Михайло
Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences and write them out.
(The hungry/Hungry) should be helped, at least they should be fed.
(The rich/Rich) are getting richer.
(Poor/The poor) Uncle Henry! He is sure to lose his job.
He is sixty but he feels absolutely (the young/young).
I don't think Jack is (old/the old) enough to understand such things.
It is not politically correct to use such words as (old/the old) and elderly to characterize senior citizens.
Little Johnny is (the deaf/deaf) in one ear.
Colin was (the deaf/deaf) and (the dumb/dumb) from birth.
There are some special schools in the area for (the deaf /deaf) and {the dumb/dumb).
The government has helped (the rich/rich) but done nothing to improve the condition of (the poor/poor).
1. экспозиция: дом барыни.
2. жизнь герасима в доме барыни.
3. барыня решает женить пьяницу капитона климова.
4. привязанность герасима к татьяне.
5. расставание с татьяной.
6. герасим находит муму и выхаживает ее.
7. барыня велит прогнать собачку.
8. герасим прячет муму от барыни.
9. барыня велит убить собаку, герасим обещает это сделать сам.
10. герасим сдерживает свое обещание.
11. герасим самовольно уходит из барского дома в деревню.