«Слово о полку Игореве» (1185-1188 г.г.) - великая патриотическая поэма Древней Руси, скорбный зов гениального поэта к единству русского народа в дни вражеских нашествий, непревзойденной красоты и мощи произведение последней четверти XII века.
Частный эпизод русско-половецких войн претворен в «Слове» в событие общерусского масштаба, что придало монументальное звучание основной идее — призыву к князьям прекратить усобицы и объединиться перед лицом внешнего врага.
Поэма с гениальной силой и проникновенностью отразила в себе главное бедствие своего времени – недостаточность государственного единства Руси и, как результат, слабость ее обороны от натиска степных кочевых народов, в быстрых набегах разорявших русские города, опустошавших села, угонявших в рабство население, проникавших в самую глубь страны, несших с собою смерть и разрушение.
“Слово…”, по мнению Д.С. Лихачева, - произведение огромной идейной силы, это – произведение, призывающее к единству, обличающее усобицы князей”
100 points please analysis of the Borodino battle episode (war and peace) detailed analysis 1. Define the boundaries of the episode give it a name. 2. Describe the event that underlies the episode. 3. Name the main (or only) participants in the episode and briefly explain: who are they? what is their place in the system of characters (main, title, minor, off-stage)? 4. Reveal the features of the beginning of the episode (and the ending, respectively). 5. Formulate a question or problem that is in the center of attention: author; characters, especially if it's a dialogue episode. 6. Identify and characterize the contradiction (in other words, a mini-conflict) that underlies the episode. 7. Describe the characters participating in the episode: their attitude to the event; to the question (problem); each other; briefly analyze the speech of the dialogue participants; make an analysis of the author's explanations of speech, gestures, facial expressions, poses of the characters; identify the characteristics of the characters ' behavior, motivation of actions (author's or reader's); determine the alignment of forces, grouping or regrouping of characters, depending on the flow of events in the episode. 8. Describe the structure of the episode (what microepisodes can it be divided into?); conduct a brief analysis of the compositional elements of the episode: its beginnings, climaxes, and denouements. 9. Identify artistic details in the episode, determine their significance. 10.Identify the presence of artistic descriptions: portrait, landscape, interior; characterize the features and significance of these elements of the episode. 11.Understand the author's attitude to the event; relate it to the climax and idea of the entire work as a whole; determine the author's attitude to the problem (detailed analysis) and the severity of the conflict in the author's assessment. 12form the main idea of the episode. 13proanalyze the plot, figurative and ideological connection of this episode with other episodes or other elements of the structure of the work (with the author's Preface, prologue, epilogue, dedication, epigraph, insert fragments, etc.).
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