It was a warm summer morning. The rays of the sun fell gently on the lake. After yesterday's rainy day, the grass was bright green. Nothing meant anything bad. Summer vacation for Misha was long and pleasant. After all, my grandmother in the village was very nice, especially to walk in the summer, fresh forest. Today was a wonderful sunny day. Myshko wanted to meet his best friend Mykolka as soon as possible. They have been friends since childhood. Mykolka also, like Myshko, lived in the city. He liked to spend his vacation with his grandmother.
After lunch, the boys met. They decided to go to the lake, go fishing. The lake was located in the woods. Crossing the bridge, Myshko noticed a strange thing. Approaching closer, he realized that the find belonged to military devices. He had never found anything like it, so he could not wait to show a friend. When Mykolka saw the find, he immediately remembered that his father told him about the weapon. Mykolka asked Myshko not to touch the gun, but Myshko did not want to do otherwise.
After all, nothing will happen if Myshko takes a better look at this thing and shows it to the village boys. Mykolka took offense at a friend and went towards his home. The boy looked around with curiosity at his discovery. Crossing the bridge, Mykolka thought about the situation that bothered him. Suddenly there was a loud explosion. Without thinking, he ran to the lake with all his might. The boy helped to get up to the friend. Fortunately nobody suffered. This situation
Петр Гринев не может допустить и мысли о том, чтобы присягнуть самозванцу Пугачеву, хотя это грозит ему смертью. Он — человек чести, верный присяге и своему слову, настоящий солдат. Хотя Пугачев добр к Петру Гриневу, молодой солдат не стремится ему угодить или дать обещание не трогать его людей. В самых сложных ситуациях Петр Гринев противостоит захватчикам. И хотя герой не раз обращается к Пугачеву за его нельзя обвинить в предательстве, потому что это все он делает ради Маши Мироновой. Петр Гринев — настоящий патриот, готовый отдать жизнь за Родину, что и доказывают его поступки. Обвинения в предательстве, которые предъявляют ему на суде, ложны, поэтому в итоге и побеждает справедливость.
in English please
It was a warm summer morning. The rays of the sun fell gently on the lake. After yesterday's rainy day, the grass was bright green. Nothing meant anything bad. Summer vacation for Misha was long and pleasant. After all, my grandmother in the village was very nice, especially to walk in the summer, fresh forest. Today was a wonderful sunny day. Myshko wanted to meet his best friend Mykolka as soon as possible. They have been friends since childhood. Mykolka also, like Myshko, lived in the city. He liked to spend his vacation with his grandmother.
After lunch, the boys met. They decided to go to the lake, go fishing. The lake was located in the woods. Crossing the bridge, Myshko noticed a strange thing. Approaching closer, he realized that the find belonged to military devices. He had never found anything like it, so he could not wait to show a friend. When Mykolka saw the find, he immediately remembered that his father told him about the weapon. Mykolka asked Myshko not to touch the gun, but Myshko did not want to do otherwise.
After all, nothing will happen if Myshko takes a better look at this thing and shows it to the village boys. Mykolka took offense at a friend and went towards his home. The boy looked around with curiosity at his discovery. Crossing the bridge, Mykolka thought about the situation that bothered him. Suddenly there was a loud explosion. Without thinking, he ran to the lake with all his might. The boy helped to get up to the friend. Fortunately nobody suffered. This situation
will be a lesson for him for life!