Напис на надгробку видатного дiофанта в м.iсковii був зроблений у формi . розвяжи ii, щоб дiзнатися скiльки рокiв прожив дiофант.
прах дiофанта гробниця ховаэ, вдивися - i камiнь
мудрим мистецтвом розкриваэ покiйного вiк:
з волi богiв шосту частину життя був вiн дитина,
а ще половину шостоi - стрiв iз пушком на щоках.
тiльки минула сьома, з коханою вiн одружився.
з нею пять рокiв проживши, сина дiждався мудрець.
та пiвжиття свого тiшився батько лиш сином.
рано могила дитину у батька забрала.
рокiв двiчi по два батько оплакував сина.
а по роках цих i сам стрiв вiн кiнець свiй печальний
Пошаговое объяснение:
Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs: