Сначала посчитаем полные года, которые ты прожил возьмем с 2005, потому что ты родился на конец 2004 года конечный год возьмем 2013, т.к. 2014 ты только половину прожил 2013-2005 = 8 лет далее в ноябре 30 дней 30 - 12 = 18 дней (12 дней, потому что ты родился в половине дня). 12 часов теперь 2014, 4 полных месяца, приблизительно по 30 дней каждый (4*30 = 120) + 14 дней 13 часов 55 минут 8 лет * на 365 (дней в году) = 2920 дней плюсанем другие дни 2920 + 18 + 120 = 3058 дней 12 часов + 13,55 = 1 день и 1,55 часа 3058 + 1 = 3059 дней найдем часы 3059 * 24 = 73 416 часов + 1 час (55 минут, пока брать не будем) = 73417 найдем минуты 73417 * 60 + 55 минут = 4405070 минут найдем секунды 4405070 * 60 = 264304200 секунд
School uniforms can be different. Someone who likes to loose, someone loves strict . But the classical school uniforms for me still remains white top black bottom . Certainly convenient to walk to school in the free form and mood rises , but then everyone would go to school as the street, and generally will not discipline . In my opinion school uniform should be comfortable, but at the same time practical beautiful. Not necessarily, that would be all the same as one walked . It is important that at least the tone of all forms was the same . Indeed, often it happens that someone shape black , gray someone , and someone even blue . It would be good if there were a choice between sundresses and skirts that you could choose to wear a vest , or simply blouse. And be sure to that would have introduced a day when students can come in free form . One day a week . For example , on Saturday, in a short day , or Monday , that would be preserved the atmosphere of relaxation . General school uniform should first like the student that would go to school with mood.
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