Dear aunt marget,thank you for your letter. i was really glad when i saw it in my mailbox. i am really happy for sally that she got medical school. send my best to for your and uncle john's gift for me, that's fantastic. it is just what i needed, thank you. oh, and as for my planning to go to the restaurant, it was successful! my friend had advised me that restaurant. the food was adorable. by the way, we also were given a 30%-discount card, so now we are thinking about visiting it again at the forthcoming weekend. and yes, i celebrated with my friends very well. it was a good i've got to go, me and my classmates are preparing a school project.with love,egor
Dantza hizkuntza mota bat hitzaren aurretik bezala jatorria. Bashkir Dantzaren Historia doa itzuli mendeetan. lehen dantza The man, bere lana patuari lotuta egon zen, munduari buruzko ideia inozoa batera. Zer esan zidaten lehen dantza? Seguruenik, nola gizon pistola bat hartzen ehiza joan, edo nola bere eremuan lan egitea. Bashkir The kontserbatu dantzen mugimenduak, run zaldi lasterketak imitatuz. Emakumeen etxeko lanak, sukaldaritza, spinning dantza lana erretratatu. nazioen dantza ere islatzen du pertsonaia, tenperamentua eta herriaren ideal, bere ongia eta gaizkia den harremana
Відповідь: 29/60 - блакитні
60/60 - 29/60 = 31/60 - жовті