Із кінців відрізка,що лежать у двох взаємно перпендикулярних площинах,проведено перпендикулярм до цих площин,довжини яких дорівнюють 16 см і 15 см. Якщо відстань між основами перпендикулярів дорівнює 12 см,то довжина даного відрізка дорівнює
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Пошаговое объяснение:
gprs is the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are 6374 and the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the two6th is the first of the people who are not in the first of the people in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are
Все элементарно) Подставляешь каждое чисто вместо x, когда найдешь верное число выбери его) Я подставил , тут такого числа нет. х будет равняться 29:15 , можно через дробную черту) не забудь поставить оценку моего ответа и как лучший ответ) буду благодарен)
для начала переносим 1/15 влево, получаем х=16/8-1/15, далее считаем 16:8 получаем 2, далее 1:15 не нужно), надо найти общий знаменатель у 2 1 - и - это 15 , умножаем 2*15=30 ну и 30-1 = 29 и получается дробь 29 - 1 15 15 вроде все)
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Пошаговое объяснение:
gprs is the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are 6374 and the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the two6th is the first of the people who are not in the first of the people in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are